2023 Southern Minnesota Active Transportation Summit!

Logo for the Southern Minnesota Active Transportation Summit 2023

Update: We have added a Listening Session immediately after the conference. Please stick around to chat about what happens next. The updated program is now available here.

Bicycling and walking are resurgent thanks in no small part to disruptions caused by the pandemic. In response, cities and towns quickly innovated to create new infrastructure. With more and better places to bike and walk, more people were drawn to the streets, sidewalks and trails. The first annual Southern Minnesota Active Transportation Summit will examine how to respond to this renewed demand, while looking forward to ensure that we don’t return to our sedentary ways once the masks come off and we all go back to the movies. Capacity is limited so register today to attend in-person or virtually.

Schedule at a Glance

Friday, September 29, 2023
Location: 2075 Lookout Drive, North Mankato, MN, 56003

Welcome and Goal Setting
Conference A
Time: 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM

Welcome and goal-setting. We review how our 13 county MnDOT district compares to the others on active transportation and sustainable development. We, those assembled, along with regional and state leadership from MnDOT, recommit to prioritizing transportation that is environmentally and economically sustainable.

Mark Plotz, Organizer, Bike Walk St. Peter
Erik Rudeen, Government Affairs Director, MnDOT
Mike Laven, Chairperson, City of Mankato


The Demographic Case for Active Transportation Investment
Conference A
Time: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

The recent pandemic has shown us that the higher quality-of-life and lower cost-of-living offered by smaller cities can draw people away from megaregions. Another population shift that will soon be underway is migration from the coasts and southern tier towards the more temperate upper Midwest. Learn who our active transportation customers are now and in the future. And understand what demographic trends will influence our growth in the coming decades.

Moderated by: Kristian Braekkan, Economic Development Director, Region Nine Development Commission

Ryan Vesey, Economic Development & Research Manager, Greater Mankato Growth
Brigid Tuck, Senior Economic Impact Analyst, University of Minnesota – Extension
Michael Wojcik, Executive Director, Bicycle Alliance of MN


The Economic Case for Active Transportation Investment
Conference A
Time: 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM

Communities that are walkable and bicycle-friendly are more economically successful and socially resilient. Getting there and preserving what you’ve got isn’t easy – especially in the upper midwest where driving is easy, parking is free, and active transportation is considered an alternative lifestyle. Learn from a few courageous people who have taken on car culture, and whose communities are the better for it.

Doug Thomas, Community Organizer, New Leaf
Wayne Hurley, Director of Transportation Planning, West Central Initiative
Nissa Tupper, Transportation and Public Health Planning Director, MnDOT
William Schroeer, Planning Commission, City of Northfield


Why Do We Bike? – A film
Conference A
Time: 12:15 PM – 12:45 PM

For the Dutch, cycling is second nature. Perhaps the fact that they don’t think about it, is the key to the bicycle’s success in their country. The documentary ‘Why we cycle’ takes a ride with ordinary cyclists and specialists from a variety of disciplines. The conversations uncover some obvious, but even more hidden effects of cycling on people, on societies, and on the organization of cities.


Advocacy 101: Successfully influencing local decision makers
Conference A
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Local advocacy is critical to creating safe environments that support people that walk or bicycle as a form of transportation. Knowing where to find publicly available documents and when to intervene in planning is key to being successful. State level advocacy is different; learn how to be successful at legislative level.

Cindy Winters, Public Health Professional, Retired
Jen Maurer, Community Health Programs Coordinator, Hearty of New Ulm
Mary M Kramer, Associate Professor, Minnesota State University-Mankato


Walkable Street Design (Complete Streets)
Conference B
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

A complete street serves the needs of all users – current and future. The term defines a new approach to transportation planning which stands in contrast to the previous paradigm of thinking only of motorized users. There is good reason to embrace a complete streets approach: downtowns with complete streets are more commercially successful; neighborhoods with complete streets allow aging in place; and children in communities with complete streets can walk and bike to destinations. This workshop will enable attendees to understand the design elements of complete streets, and apply the approach to a variety of land use contexts.

Mark Plotz, Organizer, Bike Walk St. Peter
Matt Lassonde, City Planner, City of North Mankato
Mark Konz, Associate Director – Planning and Development Services, City of Mankato


Active Transportation Funding and Planning
Conference C
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

An overview of how the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) distributes funds, how much money is available for active transportation projects, what funding opportunities there are, and when and how to apply for funding.

Joel Hanif, Community Development Planner, Region 9
Angela Piltaver, Principal Planner (Acting), MnDOT District 7


Demonstration Projects (Tactical Urbanism)
Conference A
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Learn how to implement demonstration projects: short term, temporary, low-cost changes that make your community safer for active transportation. We’ll share why communities do demonstration projects, key considerations to think about as you design your own project, success stories, and information on the many resources available to support demonstration projects.

Kristen Friedrichs, SHIP Coordinator, Brown, Nicollet, Le Sueur and Waseca Counties
Maria Wardoku, Planning Associate, Alta Planning + Design
Mitchell Kiecker, Senior Pedestrian & Bicycle Engineer, MnDOT


Minnesota Safe Routes to School: Growing the next generation of Active Transportation advocates
Conference B
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Streets around schools should be the safest in our communities for students, families, and community members to walk or bike. Learn more about the MnSRTS program and hear from New Ulm and West Central Minnesota on their local implementation of the SRTS program. Attendees will leave with tangible strategies, knowledge of funding opportunities, and ideas for first steps.

Kelly Corbin, Principal Planner, MnDOT Office of Transit & Activ, MnDOT
Wayne Hurley, Director of Transportation Planning, West Central Initiative
Brie Taralson, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, New Ulm, MN


Food Security and Transportation
Conference C
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Rural areas are losing access to grocery stores at a rapid rate leaving many communities having to drive long distances to access food. This is especially difficult for the most disadvantaged members of our communities for whom a reliable vehicle and money for gas can be a major barrier. This session will explore the role that public transportation and active transportation can play in making food accessible to everyone in our communities.

Sabri Fair, Environment and Sustainability Planner, Region Nine Development CommissionCarol Glasser, Associate Professor of Sociology, Minnesota State University Mankato
Tina England, Neighbor Services Operations Manager, Second Harvest Heartland
Mitchel Pomije, Student, Minnesota State University, Mankato


Listening Session
Conference A
Time: 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Stay around after the Summit for a discussion of next steps. The discussion will be facilitated by Bike MN and local advocates.

Cindy Winters, Public Health Professional, Retired
Michael Wojcik, Executive Director, Bicycle Alliance of MN


Saturday, September 30, 2023
Location: 10 Civic Center Plaza, Mankato, MN, 56001

Workshop descriptions pending. Stay tuned!

The cost to attend is $25 which includes lunch. Mobile workshops are an additional charge ($10) and can be registered for onsite at the Summit. Register here.

Are sponsorships available. Yes!
Will there be an option for virtual attendance? Yes.
Will same day registration be available for the Summit? Yes, however space may be limited.
Will continuing education credit be provided? Yes, our event is recognized by MN APA.
Will media passes be available? Yes, please contact the organizer for more information.

Mark Plotz, Organizer, info@thesmallestcog.com